How Many Carbs Are In A Gluten-Free Pizza: Is It Better For You?

How Many Carbs Are In A Gluten-Free Pizza Is It Better For You

Today, we’re going to be answering the question: how many carbs are in a gluten-free pizza? When you first receive your diagnosis, foods like pizza, pasta, and bread are usually the first to go. They contain a huge percentage of wheat in the ingredients and are definitely not suitable for a gluten-free diet. However, there … Read more

What To Eat for Breakfast That Is Gluten Free: Best GF Breakfast

What To Eat for Breakfast That Is Gluten Free: Best GF Breakfast

Today, we’re going to be looking at what to eat for breakfast that is gluten free. While you may think that breakfast time is difficult to navigate because there is gluten everywhere in sight, it’s much easier than you may think. And there are plenty of gluten-free alternatives nowadays, to some of the most common … Read more

Can Gluten Intolerance Go Away?

Can Gluten Intolerance Go Away

Today, we’re going to be answering the question: can gluten intolerance go away? And taking a look at whether it’s possible to ever recover or be “cured” from gluten intolerance/gluten sensitivity. When you first receive your diagnosis, your first thought will likely be, “will this ever go away?” – I know mine was. But can … Read more

Gluten and Dairy Intolerance Connection: Is There One?

Today, we’re going to be looking at the gluten and dairy intolerance connection, and whether there is one. Intolerances to gluten and dairy are increasing, especially as more people are aware of the symptoms that usually come with an intolerance. However, does being intolerant to gluten, meaning you’ll be more susceptible to an intolerance to … Read more

Who Discovered Celiac Disease?

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Today, we’re going to be answering the question: who discovered celiac disease? And taking a look at the history of celiac disease. It’s actually been around far longer than you may expect, and gluten has been causing havoc in people’s lives for thousands of years. That’s right…thousands! But more on that later. First, let’s take … Read more