No, barley is not gluten-free. Barley is one of the main grains to avoid when following a gluten-free diet (along with wheat, rye, oats etc.).
Is Barley Gluten-Free?
No, it is not gluten-free. It follows the same process as malt for beer brewing. However, before it goes through the fermenting process, it is instead made into barley malt extract.
Is Barley Malt Extract Gluten-Free?
If it contains less than 20ppm of gluten, legally it is suitable for us to consume. However, if it does not state that it’s gluten-free – it simply isn’t worth the risk.
Beer Milkshakes Cornflakes Vinegars Rice Krispies Chocolate Potato chips
If you see the words “malt” or “malt extract”, I would highly recommend avoiding the products.
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