Do Little Smokies Contain Gluten?


Today, we’re going to be looking at which Little Smokies gluten-free products there are on offer – if any, at all! So are Lil Smokies gluten-free? Let’s take a closer look. 

What Are Little Smokies?

Hillshire Farms are the maker of the infamous Lit’l Smokies. They fall under the category of cocktail links and they’re essentially mini sausages that have been smoked to absolute perfection.

Terrain Map

As you will have seen above, there are no gluten-containing products in the original Lit’l Smokies. Frustratingly, the brand is very vague about their manufacturing methods and do not provide a clear statement on their packaging, or their website.

Are Little Smokies Gluten-Free?

Lit’l Smokies may be the original flavor, but the flavors do not stop there. And neither do the gluten-free products – hurrah! Let’s take a look at which other flavors in the Lit’l Smokies range are gluten-free.

Which Flavors Of Little Smokies Are Gluten-Free?


All of the flavors listed above are considered safe for gluten-free consumption. The Gluten-Free Bar is often a reliable source I check regularly to double-check whether foods are safe. 

Ranch Dressing – Does It Contain Gluten?

Balsamic  Vinaigrette


 I think it’s safe to say, that they are safe for us to enjoy – hurrah! It’s always a small victory to celebrate when you realize one of your favorite foods is still safe to eat, after your diagnosis.

For more gluten-free Tips Visit

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